Created by agyenbons

Sec+ Practice Domain1

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

213.      Carolyn runs a vulnerability scan of a network device and discovers that the device is running services on TCP ports 22 and 443. What services has she most likely discovered?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

210.      The following graphic shows a report from an OpenVAS vulnerability scan. What should Charles do first to determine the best fix for the vulnerability shown?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

199.      Where does the information for predictive analysis for threat intelligence come from?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

192.      Christina wants to identify indicators of attack for XML-based web applications that her organization runs. Where is she most likely to find information that can help her determine whether XML injection is occurring against her web applications?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

186.      Angela reviews bulletins and advisories to determine what threats her organization is likely to face. What type of activity is this associated with?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

181.      Ben runs a vulnerability scan using up-to-date definitions for a system that he knows has a vulnerability in the version of Apache that it is running. The vulnerability scan does not show that issue when he reviews the report. What has Ben encountered?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

177.     Charles sets the permissions on the /etc directory on a Linux system to 777 using the chmod command. If Alex later discovers this, what should he report his finding as?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

165.      What type of malicious actor will typically have the least amount of resources available to them?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

163.      Patrick has subscribed to a commercial threat intelligence feed that is only provided to sub- scribers who have been vetted and who pay a monthly fee. What industry term is used to refer to this type of threat intelligence?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

136.      Users in your company report someone has been calling their extension and claiming to be doing a survey for a large vendor. Based on the questions asked in the survey, you sus- pect that this is a scam to elicit information from your company’s employees. What best describes this?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

135.      What type of phishing attack occurs via text messages?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

131.      Why are memory leaks a potential security issue?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

129.      Nathan discovers the following code in the directory of a compromised user. What language is it using, and what will it do? echo "ssh-rsa ABBAB4KAE9sdafAK...Mq/jc5YLfnAnbFDRABMhuWzaWUp root@localhost" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

126.      Tony is reviewing a web application and discovers the website generates links like the following: https://www.example.com/login.html?Relay=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fsite.html. What type of vulnerability is this code most likely to be susceptible to?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

123.      John has been asked to do a penetration test of a company. He has been given general information but no details about the network. What kind of test is this?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

121.      What are the two most common goals of invoice scams?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

118.      What type of penetration test is being done when the tester is given extensive knowledge of the target network?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

72.      When a program has variables, especially arrays, and does not check the boundary values before inputting data, what attack is the program vulnerable to?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

70.      While conducting a penetration test, Annie scans for systems on the network she has gained access to. She discovers another system within the same network that has the same accounts and user types as the one she is on. Since she already has a valid user account on the system she has already accessed, she is able to log in to it. What type of technique is this?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

37.      Frank is a network administrator for a small college. He discovers that several machines on his network are infected with malware. That malware is sending a flood of packets to a target external to the network. What best describes this attack?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

35.      Which of the following capabilities is not a key part of a SOAR (security orchestration, auto- mation, and response) tool?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

21.      Susan wants to reduce the likelihood of successful credential harvesting attacks via her orga- nization’s commercial websites. Which of the following is not a common prevention method aimed at stopping credential harvesting?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

17.      Cynthia is concerned about attacks against an application programming interface (API) that her company provides for its customers. What should she recommend to ensure that the API is only used by customers who have paid for the service?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

15.      Chris has hundreds of systems spread across multiple locations and wants to better handle the amount of data that they create. What two technologies can help with this?

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Category: Sec+ Domain 1

8.          Rick wants to make offline brute-force attacks against his password file very difficult for attackers. Which of the following is not a common technique to make passwords harder to crack?

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